Héctor Corrada Bravo bio photo

Héctor Corrada Bravo

Senior Scientist
Research and Early Development

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I moved to Genentech Research and Early Development on 6/1/2020. This site is in flux during this transition.

Statistical and computational methods for high-throughput genomics.
Interactive data analysis. Metagenomics. Cancer epigenomics. Transcriptomics.

What we work on

Our research focuses on efficient and effective interactive analysis of high-throughput genomic data. We develop new methods and tools from multiple areas in the computational and statistical sciences: basic bioinformatics/biostatistics, statistical and machine learning, data visualization and management, and numerical optimization. Applications include cancer epigenetics, metagenomics, pre-processing of measurements from high-throughput assays and disease risk models that integrate high-throughput genomic and other data.

Selected Projects


Interactive, exploratory visual analysis of genomic data


Interactive, exploratory visual analysis of metagenomic data


Segment-based RNA-seq analysis


Analysis tools for large high-throughput metagenomics sequencing projects