Project 1: Similar document searching via MinHash and Locality Sensitive Hashing

In this first project we will implement the system described in the lecture notes for similar document searching. This project is inspired by (Note: you can look at code there for inspiration but implement your own).

Posted: March 10, 2020
Last Update: March 10, 2020

The Task

We will use documents from this repository This is a dataset of documents for which we want to find possible cases of plagiarism. It consists of 10,000 documents for which some pairs are tagged as instances of plagiarism. The goal of this exercise is to see how effectively and efficiently a minhash and LSH system can identify these instances.

Note that smaller subsets of data suitable for testing are available here:

You will base your solution off of the code provided by this repository:

To access:

  1. Create a github account (or use an existing one) at
  2. Send me your github id and I will give you access to the repository
  3. Fork the repository to your github account
  4. Download and work on your fork

Open the notebook plagiarism.ipynb and follow instructions there.